Wednesday, December 8, 2010

YAY!!!!!IT"S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Santa,
              I have only a few things I want for Christmas. I really want a new HD television because my t.v. is fixing to go out. I would also like a gift card because whenever something comes up that I want I would like to buy it as soon as I see it. Then final thing I would like is for my dad to recover from my dads back surgery. I think I have been a good kid this year. I have mostly obeyed my mom and dad so I think I deserve all of the things I ask for.


Tyler Landess

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Ongoing Discussion

People are starting to think that these full body scanner pictures are going to be released and leaked onto the internet. I personally don't believe this because the employees working at the security station do not have any motives to do this, if they are put on the internet they can trace who put the pictures on and take them off and have those people arrested, and the pictures are stored on a secure hard drive somewhere in the airport. I personally think that they should require people to take this full-body scan because it moves things along and it saves a few lawsuits because people will think the guards are touching them inappropriately. If they keep giving people a choice this debate will keep going. If the airports tell them how it's going to be and people don't like it, they can just drive if they hate it so much. If I had a choice I would probably take the scan and just go on with my life and just skip all this drama about all these pictures.

Monday, November 22, 2010


My plans for Thanksgiving is to go down to my dad's house and enjoy it with all of my family. All my aunts that I haven't seen in forever will be coming down to see me. I will get to see long lost family members who I have never met in my life. I will get to celebrate Thanksgiving in my new house.

I am thankful for:
1. My family
2. A place to live
3. Friends
5.A great community
6.The sport of baseball
7.Things to keep me entertained
8.A life to live
9.Advanced societies.
10.The Thanksgiving break

Monday, November 15, 2010

Anti-Smoking Ads

If these pictures showed up every time someone bought cigarettes then I think it would have a deep impact. I think it would help convince people to try to stop, because just looking at these pictures will not make them quit. They need some support too. Then there will be some smokers that think that will never happen to them until it's to late. I think these picture will only make a small impact on making smokers quit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mickey Dees

Staying under 600 calories, adding 1/2 cup of fruit, and 3/4 of vegetables is very hard for fast food to uphold. I disagree with the choice San Francisco took in taking away the toys from Mc Donalds. I disagree because the parents are the one's at fault....the children have no clue about nutritional value about the food. The media is attacking Mc Donalds because they have cheap food so that's why people eat there. Well It's not their fault they know how to spend money and make the prices low. So I think the people are turning the blame to Mc Donalds because of their fattening food, when they should be blaming themselves for taking their children there.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Feast.

I have a variety of things that I would eat for my perfect meal. First, I would eat some tender steak. After I finish my steak I would move onto some boiled shrimp with melted butter on them. Finally for dessert I would eat a slice of some rich strawberry cheesecake. My entire family would attend this feast. We would all attend at my Aunt Suzie's enormous house because that's where we go every year to celebrate with the family.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Time Travel Theory

I believe that she is not carrying a cell phone because first of all to use a cell phone you have to have service, and obviously there were no cell-phone towers in 1928. There are many explanations to why she might be holding her hand to her ear like that. She could probably be messing with a hearing aide, she was hard of hearing so she had a cone to stick in her ear to hear, or even the most logical explanation....She's an alien. Plus, time traveling is virtually impossible.

Friday, October 22, 2010


The reason I would like to be a dolphin is because I get to go wherever I want to in the ocean. I get to hang out in groups and gang up on sharks trying to hunt. I get to help the humans fish by corralling the fish into their nets. I would also get to play and have fun with all of the humans.


I call him Tux because he likes to wear a tuxedos everywhere.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Karate Master

It all started one day in second grade. Walker and I were messing around with this girl Kaitlyn. She started to fight back and kicked our butts because she took karate lessons. She told us that she was a black belt and we evidently didn't believe her because she was in first grade. As each day went on she kicked our butts even more but eventually caught on then we took her down. It wasn't funny at the time but as I look back at it was hilarious.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Trapped But Not Broken

Sitting in the utter darkness of the mine I hear shouting and I find out the people are trying to get help as soon as possible. They said they have this tube they can send four items of our choice down. I told them to send down a flashlight so we can see down here. The second thing I would ask for them to put down the tube is to send down a sport magazine so I can catch up on them. Then I would ask for them to bring a pillow that I can sleep on because I don't want to sleep on the hard ground. The final thing I would ask for is a Ipod so I can listen to music and play games on it to pass the time. The trapped men and I were trying to pass the time by entertaining each other. We would tell riddles and jokes to get our mind of reality.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Freak Accident

I was sitting on a huge jet minding my own business when all of a sudden the intercom system on the plane spoke to us. "This is your pilot speaking, we have lost control to one of our inner engines. Remain calm and everything will be ok." I started to freak out so I started to listen to my music so I could pass the time and get my mind off the horrific incident ensue. Then the pilot comes on the intercoms again. "This is your pilot speaking we have complete and total failure in all the engines except one. We will be making an emergency landing in the airport in Dallas, Texas." After I hear this announcement I start to pray. I prayed asking to keep my life and for everything to end okay. Well next thing I know a loud thud is heard throughout the plane. Then breaking the silence the pilot spoke through the intercom, "We have landed safely and for everyone to remain calm." Thankful for the experienced pilot's courage I am relieved to hear this news and get on with my life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The 1940's

If I were to choose an era I just happened to teleport to, I would choose the 1940's because one of the most important wars in world history was happening, World War Ⅱ. The reason for this choice is I would like to see all the famous World War Ⅱ figures. I would like to see how the war was fought and won  and find out what my great grandfather and grandmother looked like back in that time. I think it would be cool to see how life was like back then.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tyler's Perfect Day! :)

My perfect day would consist of me sleeping in 'till 11 o'clock. Then waking up to the sound of Sports Center on the living room television. Catching up on my daily dosage of sports news my mom prepares me lunch. She makes me some good old fashioned all-American cheeseburger. Once my meal was done I go outside and take a ride on my Kawasaki Teryx. I would drive around town and roam the country on it. Then I would come back to the house for supper where my mom is waiting with some nice grilled juicy steaks. I would then devour my steak then get ready to watch a movie with my family. After the movie was over I would be wiped out and go to sleep in an instant. I would sleep peacefully the rest of the night without any interruptions and get a good nights rest.