Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Freak Accident

I was sitting on a huge jet minding my own business when all of a sudden the intercom system on the plane spoke to us. "This is your pilot speaking, we have lost control to one of our inner engines. Remain calm and everything will be ok." I started to freak out so I started to listen to my music so I could pass the time and get my mind off the horrific incident ensue. Then the pilot comes on the intercoms again. "This is your pilot speaking we have complete and total failure in all the engines except one. We will be making an emergency landing in the airport in Dallas, Texas." After I hear this announcement I start to pray. I prayed asking to keep my life and for everything to end okay. Well next thing I know a loud thud is heard throughout the plane. Then breaking the silence the pilot spoke through the intercom, "We have landed safely and for everyone to remain calm." Thankful for the experienced pilot's courage I am relieved to hear this news and get on with my life.

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