Friday, December 3, 2010

The Ongoing Discussion

People are starting to think that these full body scanner pictures are going to be released and leaked onto the internet. I personally don't believe this because the employees working at the security station do not have any motives to do this, if they are put on the internet they can trace who put the pictures on and take them off and have those people arrested, and the pictures are stored on a secure hard drive somewhere in the airport. I personally think that they should require people to take this full-body scan because it moves things along and it saves a few lawsuits because people will think the guards are touching them inappropriately. If they keep giving people a choice this debate will keep going. If the airports tell them how it's going to be and people don't like it, they can just drive if they hate it so much. If I had a choice I would probably take the scan and just go on with my life and just skip all this drama about all these pictures.

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