Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is an Iphone 4S. I want one because my phone is starting to get old and is starting to not work at all. I have behaved okay this year. I haven't been completely obedient, but have you ever came across a completely obedient child? Yea that's what I thought.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Auction Hunters

My favorite television show is Auction Hunters. I like this show because Ton and Allen are guys with two different personalities. They go through storage units that people neglected to pay for. They find very unusual things and show how they make a profit off of their units. It comes on Spike every Monday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pain Is Temporary Glory Lasts Forever

The most unpleasant pain I have ever felt physically was recovering from my surgery on my ACL. I tore it during the Hollis football game my sixth play I was in. After my surgery my doctor put me on some fierce medication to make sure I had no pain. The next day the medication wore off and the pain commenced. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever endured in my life. It felt like someone was stabbing my in the knee multiple times.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Since the world has been turning 'round and 'round I think the best type of human innovation would be the wheel. The wheel was and is the base of transportation for any vehicle. It is amazing that something somebody has discovered a very lonbg time ago is still being used today. That just goes to show you that it is the best invention over anything......even over sliced bread.

Friday, November 18, 2011

80's=Best Decade Ever

If I could go back to an era I would choose the 80's. The 80's is debatable the best decade that has happened so far, Either in music or anything else. If I were in the 80's I would have worked at a skating rink because that's where all the business was at. If people wanted to have a good time in the 80's they either went to a drive-in movie or went to a skating rink. I could be some of importance. It just depends if the rink was a big hit.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Why were y'all so far out there? That was incredible!" We just wanted to watch Walker catch some waves.
"What happened out there, and what was going through your mind as those magnificent creatures came by you?" We were freaking out and hoping that we wouldn't die.
"Were you worried that you would be swallowed? Tell me who was with you out there?" Yes I was terrified, because I could have died.   It was Lee Watts and I in the boat beside the whale. It was Walker Bartlett on the surf board.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

My friend Lee went to jail earlier today because he was convicted of a murder against Phillip Thomas. I know this was not true because I was driving around town with him during the incident and he never hurt a single soul. My eye-witness account didn't suffice the jury because I was a friend and could be lying for him.  I was recently part of a government testing program to make a super soldier and they tried it on me. I'm now a commander of a squad with terrific skill. So, I'm going to break him out with my troops under my command. We will plant explosives strategically around the jail and attack it from all angles. Once our attack commences we will blow the explosives and start our raid from all directions. When the guards are distracted I will go on a solo mission to extract my friend from his jail cell. I will use my ability to run super fast to get there quickly and use my super strength to spread the metal door. We will escape on radar hidden helicopters and go to a secret military base.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drving Safely

I learned about the statistics of how much more likely you are to wreck when you text and drive. I also learned that so many more people then just the ones involved in the wreck are affected by it.

The Early Bird Gets The Worm....Ummm the Mop

I think Lindsay Lohan deserved to do community service as her punishment. She should be treated like a normal person would be treated. A normal person should not get any special treatment. I also think she should have gotten some jail time.

Friday, October 21, 2011


My favorite Halloween memory was dressing up as a Steeler football player as a child.

My favorite ghost story was one that I learned when I was a kid. My dad told me that on my uncle's ranch there was this old buffalo hunter had been killed by Indians because he was wasting parts of the buffalo. Since he died he goes out every Halloween night and kills whoever is around his old house.

A kid came to a costume party with a sheet on his head and the crowd said, "What are you a ghost?" He said, "No, I'm an unmade bed."

Why do ghosts don't have band? They always get boooooood.

Where do ghosts go out? A. Where they can get boooooo-ze.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Legacy

If I could be remembered for something I would like to be remembered for my hard work in designing safer buildings for people. I would like to build buildings that make them completely safe and affordable based on their location. When I leave this earth i would like to be remembered as someone who saved many lives during his lifetime. I want to be remembered as one of the best architectural designers in the world. I will make sure this legacy happens because I will apply the effort and prove that my designs are what I put them out to be.

I am very sorry my first post was late I didn't even think about them until you told me in your note. And I will be in school Monday!!

Icky Foods

The ickiest food I have ever eaten was artificial grape products. It has gotten so bad that every time I even smell the disgusting stuff I start to feel sick. I didn't even like the stuff as a young child. There are tons of varieties of grape products that I don't like. It goes from grape Jolly Ranchers to grape Gatorade.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Musical Taste!!

I enjoy listening to 80's music because I find it appealing and good to listen to. My favorite artist would be "Guns N' Roses." My favorite song would be "115" by Elena Seigman. My Least favorite song would be "Hey Soul Sister" by My least favorite artist would be "Train." My Parents listen to 80's music also. So yes, I very much approve of it. Yes, they enjoy my kinds of music I like.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Morals!?!? What Morals?

I don't think we have lost our sight on any of our morals. I just think the movie industry has increased the confidence to put what is immoral on television. In the past, the parents would criticize if they put any hint of anything immoral, thus making it hard to publicize something without getting sued or threatened. Today the adults that were under these strict conditions and disagreed with them, are standing up for what they want to do since they're in control. What society thinks is going to be different varying from generation to generation.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Let's Roll!"

This picture symbolizes hope because it was the final known words of Todd Beamer. He helped inspire the over run of the terrorists on Flight 93. After 9/11, this phrase symbolized heroism, hope, and self-sacrifice. It displayed hope because it showed that Americans can come together to overcome any obstacle.

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Favorite Activites

Some of my hobbies would include playing zombies with my friends, playing baseball, and riding four-wheelers. I enjoy playing zombies with my friends because it let's me relax and have some fun. I love playing baseball because it is my favorite sport and I hope to go far in life with the sport. I love riding four-wheelers because it is really fun and I get to ramp and ride through different environments. I can pretty go anywhere on any terrain in my Teryx.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My First Week of School

My first of week of school was very long and tiring. I had to get used to the waking up early and getting back into the routine of things. I have enjoyed meeting my friends and getting back up to date with them. I dreaded the fact that I have to go yet another half of year through school. My hardest subjects are Spanish, English, and Algebra II.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End of the Year!!

The hardest thing I have faced all year is Geometry. It was hard to understand and very complicated.  The easiest thing was career prep because all we had to do is just sit, play games, and watch films.  The funniest moment was when I ran into the door and it didn't open. I don't think I will take semester tests because I didn't miss to many days this year.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Game Show

If I could be on a game show I thing I would want to be on Wheel of Fortune. I would get to spin the the big circular wheel and get a chance to win a lot of money.  If I won the first round I could go into a second round and get a chance to win even more money. It would be awesome to see the game show host and the chance to be on television.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1. My hero must have the qualities of courage, strength, and determination.

2. A good successful leader should have the qualities of leadership, honesty, and determination.

3. A hero in my life would be my great grandpa. He is my hero because he risked his life for America during World War Ⅱ.

4. A good leader in my life would my dad. He always tries to steer me in the right direction and he is always a good example for me to use.

5. He is considered a hero because he helped give rights to blacks in America.
6. Ronald Reagan was a great leader because he kept the world alive by avoiding a nuclear crisis.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My fears.

My tangible fear would be the fear of snakes. Everytime I go to my uncle's ranch or anywhere that is in the country I am always looking for snakes because I think they might bite me. I overcome this fear by telling myself that there is not a snake and it's all in my head. My intangible fear would be the that something might go wrong. Every time something is going good I get a feeling that something might happen that will cause my situation to go wrong. I overcome this fear when I think positive.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Strange names....

1. What does the Q in Q-tip stand for? The Q means quality.
2. What is your first and middle name? What do they mean? Do you know the reason your parents c
hose that name?  The name Tyler means tile maker and the name Grant means great. I got the middle name Grant from the president, Ulysses S. Grant because I'm related to him.
3. Just like the Q-Tip, think of three items that have a strange name. Why do you think they are strange for this particular item?

1.Five fingers because they are for your feet not fingers.
2. Apple because it has nothing to do with an apple.
3.Dr. Pepper is a strange name because it does not have any pepper in it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Superpowers.

If I could have two superpowers I would want the powers of reading someone's mind and the power of flying. I would choose these because I would like to know what people think about me. I would also like to be able to travel to various areas around the world by flying. A combination between these two powers would let me do almost anything.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Would Happen if Children Ran Society?????

If children ran the world things would be very different than it is today. If these children were at the age of elementary students they would probably have their older siblings or kids in junior high to high school doing slave work for them. They would make sure that everything that took place would be to their specifications. These children would make the school days shorter if not completely get rid of it. They would have security guards with toy guns to hoodlums running around in Halloween costumes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Room.

My room doesn't really have a theme. Inside my room I have a humongous dresser. It can be very filthy at some times but I usually keep it very spotless. I also have an beat-up picture of my grandpa on my wall. I have a closet with gliding doors covering one side of my room.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tarantula Hawk

If I could be an insect I would like to be a Tarantula Hawk. It is a wasp-like insect that hunts tarantulas for it larvae. I would like to be one of these because I think it would be thrilling and awesome to be able to fly around and hunt spiders that are four times larger than me. I would be able to travel to different parts of the United States.

Monday, February 14, 2011,r:7,s:42&biw=1276&bih=595

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Eat the Fruit.

"DON'T EAT THAT FRUIT!!!!"-- Could you imagine what would have happened if Eve hadn't eaten the fruit from the tree she was forbidden from eating? If she hadn't eaten the fruit there wouldn't be weeds. Eve ate the fruit because she was persuaded to by the serpent.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black History Month

Black History Month is there to celebrate what the black race has gone through all these years. There is nothing demeaning about it. I think it is a good thing that we make it a holiday and celebrate.

Friday, January 28, 2011


My favorite app is call Bloons Tower Defense™. This app is my favorite because it is a really good time passer when you are bored. The object of the game is to build your monkey army to stop bloons from reaching the end of the trail. You place monkeys strategically on the map to stop them.

On of the worst apps I have ever heard of is Angry Birds. I dislike it because there is no sense in throwing angry birds at building to kill the targets. To me this game is overrated.

If I had to create an app I would have to create one that is unbeatable. I would make it where no one can beat so it would gain a lot of popularity and people will get self-confident that they can beat it and then download it. What this app will do is you will have to run across this platform and dodge objects coming at you. I would name this app Iunbeatable.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I believe that the Ipads would be a good idea but the Ipods wouldn't. I decided this because Ipods screens are very small and it is so hard to read anything. The Ipad has a bigger screen and it has a new feature where you can download books and read them right off of it. That would be a great idea for the classroom and a quicker way to get books out and to the page we need to be on. But on the contrary there would be temptations of getting on sites or downloading apps that are not school appropriate. Plus if you start having students that start to sync their Ipads/Ipods to their computer then you have no control on what apps and music they put on there. I don't think they would stay focused either. We have students that always play games when they aren't supposed to and on these devices it would continue. Just think how tempting it would be if you were reading a book that was boring and just a few taps on the screen you could be in Angry Birds or some other "hit" game. I think it is a gamble because you don't know what will happen until you try it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Money can't buy everything...but neither can no money!!!!!!!!!!!

The president makes around 400,000 dollars a year. When I learned this it amazed me. Surely the leader of our country isn't getting paid this much. But in the NFL we have a running back that plays for the Vikings  that makes 17,000,000 dollars. Wow check out the difference in those zeros. I really think that it is kind of messed up that a NFL player is making way more than the president. If they won't lower how much the NFL players are getting paid at least raise the presidents payroll.

Drug Wars in Mexico

As you may of heard there is a war going on in Mexico. But not just any war over peace it's a war over drugs. The Mexican president, Felipe Calderon has declared war on the cartels for their terrorist like attempts because 28,000 have been killed since he was elected. Los Negros, Gulf Cartel, and La Familia are just some of the few major drug cartels. La Familia has been blamed for some federal offenses and called a truce so they can exclude themselves from these accusations. They sent this truce through a letter.On the border there are drugs and weapons smuggled every day. The drugs move northward and the weapons move south for the cartels. I really dislike the way everything is going on in Mexico I would protect my house and move around so they couldn't get me.