Thursday, November 3, 2011

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

My friend Lee went to jail earlier today because he was convicted of a murder against Phillip Thomas. I know this was not true because I was driving around town with him during the incident and he never hurt a single soul. My eye-witness account didn't suffice the jury because I was a friend and could be lying for him.  I was recently part of a government testing program to make a super soldier and they tried it on me. I'm now a commander of a squad with terrific skill. So, I'm going to break him out with my troops under my command. We will plant explosives strategically around the jail and attack it from all angles. Once our attack commences we will blow the explosives and start our raid from all directions. When the guards are distracted I will go on a solo mission to extract my friend from his jail cell. I will use my ability to run super fast to get there quickly and use my super strength to spread the metal door. We will escape on radar hidden helicopters and go to a secret military base.

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