Thursday, January 20, 2011


I believe that the Ipads would be a good idea but the Ipods wouldn't. I decided this because Ipods screens are very small and it is so hard to read anything. The Ipad has a bigger screen and it has a new feature where you can download books and read them right off of it. That would be a great idea for the classroom and a quicker way to get books out and to the page we need to be on. But on the contrary there would be temptations of getting on sites or downloading apps that are not school appropriate. Plus if you start having students that start to sync their Ipads/Ipods to their computer then you have no control on what apps and music they put on there. I don't think they would stay focused either. We have students that always play games when they aren't supposed to and on these devices it would continue. Just think how tempting it would be if you were reading a book that was boring and just a few taps on the screen you could be in Angry Birds or some other "hit" game. I think it is a gamble because you don't know what will happen until you try it.

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