Friday, March 2, 2012

Years On the Computer

It was Friday night and Darrel had no plans for the whole weekend. He decided he would spend yet another weekend home bound and on the computer. His parents wanted Darrel to get a life so they downloaded this program to encourage him to stay off of it. While Darrel was in the middle of a raid on one of his online multiplayer games, a pop-up came on the screen and told him to get off. He rejected it hastily because he was at a very important part of his attack. Minutes passed by and he was about to kill the boss dragon when another pop-up popped up. This time it asked hi to log off because he had been logged on for a year. He actually hadn't but the program was supposed to humiliate him for being on his computer so much. He clicked "yes" and went to talk to his parents. They created a time table for him to play on the computer, but when his limit was reached he had to get off. This helped Darrel improve on his grades and become a hard-working student.

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