Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sight-I love looking at pictures of my uncle's ranch.
Touch-I love to touch English papers with a perfect grade on it. It makes me feel achieved and it relieves me to know my English teacher knows her math.
Sound-My favorite sound is the silence when the other person thinks of a comeback after I have proved them wrong or burned them.
Taste- I love the taste of Tobasco®. I pretty much put Tobasco® on anything.
Smell-My favorite smell is the scent of the Refflesia. It has a very intoxicating smell.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I find it hard to forgive people based on what it is that they have done to me. Ususally on the minor events that happen I don't really mind it, but if it is something major it could take me awhile. "Not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die."
When I ponder about this statement I tend to agree with it. What this statement means is that holding grudges effect yourself more than the person that your holding the grudge on. I say this because when you hold a grudge against somebody it changes your mindset and makes you go out of the way to get them back. It makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. This in turn makes that "dieing" part of the quote seem to make sense.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fly On The Wall

I wish I was a fly on the wall anytime I ever wanted to be. If I could do this I can answer questions and give direct answers to a suspicious wife, any conspiracy theorist, and probably most of all government officials. I could make a business out of this and make millions of dollars. I can charge what I want to and wouldn't have to worry about employees because it is a one man job.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tyler's Paradise

A Utopia is a place where everything in it is perfect and or a paradise. It is located far away from any other civilization. This is because we do not need any resources from anywhere else because a utopia will supply your needs plus more. It will be ruled with a government similar to a democracy but the people are randomly selected and filtered through a program to make sure no "illfit" person could be part of it. In the younger years of the utopia they would have to go through vigorus test to weed out the oddballs and make sure there is no one there to ruin it. After awhile all the "perfect" people could breed steadily to keep life going. The orders to keep our utopian people safe would be to have no contact with anyone outside of the utopia. This could ruin our cultures and cause it to spiral in a downfall. It will be ruled by many elected people, because many minds can think more effectively that just one. I will call this place Tyler's Paradise, because it's envisioned by me and you get the gurantee of it being authentic.