Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drving Safely

I learned about the statistics of how much more likely you are to wreck when you text and drive. I also learned that so many more people then just the ones involved in the wreck are affected by it.

The Early Bird Gets The Worm....Ummm the Mop

I think Lindsay Lohan deserved to do community service as her punishment. She should be treated like a normal person would be treated. A normal person should not get any special treatment. I also think she should have gotten some jail time.

Friday, October 21, 2011


My favorite Halloween memory was dressing up as a Steeler football player as a child.

My favorite ghost story was one that I learned when I was a kid. My dad told me that on my uncle's ranch there was this old buffalo hunter had been killed by Indians because he was wasting parts of the buffalo. Since he died he goes out every Halloween night and kills whoever is around his old house.

A kid came to a costume party with a sheet on his head and the crowd said, "What are you a ghost?" He said, "No, I'm an unmade bed."

Why do ghosts don't have band? They always get boooooood.

Where do ghosts go out? A. Where they can get boooooo-ze.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Legacy

If I could be remembered for something I would like to be remembered for my hard work in designing safer buildings for people. I would like to build buildings that make them completely safe and affordable based on their location. When I leave this earth i would like to be remembered as someone who saved many lives during his lifetime. I want to be remembered as one of the best architectural designers in the world. I will make sure this legacy happens because I will apply the effort and prove that my designs are what I put them out to be.

I am very sorry my first post was late I didn't even think about them until you told me in your note. And I will be in school Monday!!

Icky Foods

The ickiest food I have ever eaten was artificial grape products. It has gotten so bad that every time I even smell the disgusting stuff I start to feel sick. I didn't even like the stuff as a young child. There are tons of varieties of grape products that I don't like. It goes from grape Jolly Ranchers to grape Gatorade.