Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1. My hero must have the qualities of courage, strength, and determination.

2. A good successful leader should have the qualities of leadership, honesty, and determination.

3. A hero in my life would be my great grandpa. He is my hero because he risked his life for America during World War Ⅱ.

4. A good leader in my life would my dad. He always tries to steer me in the right direction and he is always a good example for me to use.

5. He is considered a hero because he helped give rights to blacks in America.
6. Ronald Reagan was a great leader because he kept the world alive by avoiding a nuclear crisis.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My fears.

My tangible fear would be the fear of snakes. Everytime I go to my uncle's ranch or anywhere that is in the country I am always looking for snakes because I think they might bite me. I overcome this fear by telling myself that there is not a snake and it's all in my head. My intangible fear would be the that something might go wrong. Every time something is going good I get a feeling that something might happen that will cause my situation to go wrong. I overcome this fear when I think positive.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Strange names....

1. What does the Q in Q-tip stand for? The Q means quality.
2. What is your first and middle name? What do they mean? Do you know the reason your parents c
hose that name?  The name Tyler means tile maker and the name Grant means great. I got the middle name Grant from the president, Ulysses S. Grant because I'm related to him.
3. Just like the Q-Tip, think of three items that have a strange name. Why do you think they are strange for this particular item?

1.Five fingers because they are for your feet not fingers.
2. Apple because it has nothing to do with an apple.
3.Dr. Pepper is a strange name because it does not have any pepper in it.