Monday, February 21, 2011

Tarantula Hawk

If I could be an insect I would like to be a Tarantula Hawk. It is a wasp-like insect that hunts tarantulas for it larvae. I would like to be one of these because I think it would be thrilling and awesome to be able to fly around and hunt spiders that are four times larger than me. I would be able to travel to different parts of the United States.

Monday, February 14, 2011,r:7,s:42&biw=1276&bih=595

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Eat the Fruit.

"DON'T EAT THAT FRUIT!!!!"-- Could you imagine what would have happened if Eve hadn't eaten the fruit from the tree she was forbidden from eating? If she hadn't eaten the fruit there wouldn't be weeds. Eve ate the fruit because she was persuaded to by the serpent.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black History Month

Black History Month is there to celebrate what the black race has gone through all these years. There is nothing demeaning about it. I think it is a good thing that we make it a holiday and celebrate.