Monday, November 22, 2010


My plans for Thanksgiving is to go down to my dad's house and enjoy it with all of my family. All my aunts that I haven't seen in forever will be coming down to see me. I will get to see long lost family members who I have never met in my life. I will get to celebrate Thanksgiving in my new house.

I am thankful for:
1. My family
2. A place to live
3. Friends
5.A great community
6.The sport of baseball
7.Things to keep me entertained
8.A life to live
9.Advanced societies.
10.The Thanksgiving break

Monday, November 15, 2010

Anti-Smoking Ads

If these pictures showed up every time someone bought cigarettes then I think it would have a deep impact. I think it would help convince people to try to stop, because just looking at these pictures will not make them quit. They need some support too. Then there will be some smokers that think that will never happen to them until it's to late. I think these picture will only make a small impact on making smokers quit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mickey Dees

Staying under 600 calories, adding 1/2 cup of fruit, and 3/4 of vegetables is very hard for fast food to uphold. I disagree with the choice San Francisco took in taking away the toys from Mc Donalds. I disagree because the parents are the one's at fault....the children have no clue about nutritional value about the food. The media is attacking Mc Donalds because they have cheap food so that's why people eat there. Well It's not their fault they know how to spend money and make the prices low. So I think the people are turning the blame to Mc Donalds because of their fattening food, when they should be blaming themselves for taking their children there.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Feast.

I have a variety of things that I would eat for my perfect meal. First, I would eat some tender steak. After I finish my steak I would move onto some boiled shrimp with melted butter on them. Finally for dessert I would eat a slice of some rich strawberry cheesecake. My entire family would attend this feast. We would all attend at my Aunt Suzie's enormous house because that's where we go every year to celebrate with the family.