Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who Is Your Favorite Substitute?

My favorite substitute teacher is Mrs. Waters. She thinks she can teach students the subject of Chemistry when she got a degree in English. I came into class this morning and saw Mrs. Waters's smiling face. I had to have a double take because never in my life would I think Mrs. Waters would ever teach us Chemistry. Luckily, Mrs. Waters just stayed behind her desk and stopped everybody from attacking each other. Mrs. Waters is DEFINITELY my FAVORITE substitute!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Less Is More

When I think of the expression less is more I think of homework. The less homework you have the more time you have to accomplish better things. If you had a choice between homework or video games what would you choose? That what I thought. Homework is probably the worst thing on earth!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Way Back When

My dad was a rebel throughout his high school career. He has told me several stories of the things he did with his friends and how he was constantly in the office. My mom on the other hand wasn't to crazy at all. All I know about my mom when she was in high school, was that she participated in track and twirled. The twirling part is kind of iffy but the track star classifies her as an athlete. She doesn't seem like the type to be too rambunctious but you never know.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Dream Room

In my room I would want a bed that feels comfortable to me. I would have a huge high definition television so I could watch movies and television. I would have a theme of the Texas Rangers/Oklahoma Sooners. I would want this theme because they are my two favorite sports teams.  I would have a futon so I can play video games comfortably. I would also have a large window looking out over the countryside so I can have a great view when I get bored. If I ever got hungry or thirsty in my room I would just go to my vending machine and a hose that can disperse out many soft drinks of my choosing.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Ozzie Guillen, the manager of the Marlins was suspended five games because he had made comments about supporting Fidel Castro. He was supposed to bring out the Cuban population towards sports but his comments have more than likely destroyed that happening. CHECK IT OUT HERE!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Favorites

My favorite book I have ever read was The Hunger Games. I really enjoyed this book because it was full of action and it made you feel for the characters. My favorite movie was The Hunger Games because it was based off my favorite book and the actors fit their characters very well. My favorite song is Party Rock Anthem. It is my favorite because the song is upbeat and is very thrilling to listen to.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pretty Please!

Dear most beloved Coach Ashmore,
    As you might know from Mrs. Waters pestering you non-stop The Hunger Games has come to the Ritz. I would like to go to this movie Friday. We really need a break after taking the TAKS and representing this school well. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take us.
              Your favorite student,